News » Join Glen Fuels New Ross in support of Mairead Redmond 2017-01-10

2017, the year of new beginnings! 2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. This number 1 marks the first year of a new nine year cycle. This is the year to jump on a positive bandwagon and for the first time Glen Fuels is jumping in with Operation Transformation.

For the next 8 weeks, the New Ross depot will be out in full support of local lady and team leader Mairead Redmond. I will be joining Mairead this Saturday, January 14th, at 09.30 to stretch the legs and grab a dose of fresh air at J F Kennedy Arboretum. If you're looking for some company along the way, please feel free to join me - you'll find me at the Glen Fuels jeep at 09.00 or you'll spot me in my Glen Fuels running gear - just come over and say hello.

After an indulgent Christmas and a busy year at work, I could do with losing a few pounds and with a team leader on my doorstep, I have no excuse. As luck would have it my current weight is identical to that of team leader Chris McElligott when he started the program just a week ago and he's already lost the first couple of pounds - I will be following his eating plan for the next two months.

Here are my measurements:

Height - 5 feet 11 inches
Weight - 17 stone 11 pounds
Waist - 38 inches
Age - 41